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Brooke RESCUE Profile

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Sex: female

Breed: Calico

Estimated Age: 2 years

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Profile Details

Litter Box Manners:
Fastidious litter box user

Grooming Requirements:
I need at least weekly brushing

Sociability with Cats:
Good with cats or at least indifferent to them

General Personality:
Initially shy and hesitant, will need some time to know they're safe and loved

General Comments

Brooke is a quiet, sweet, pretty little calico with unique markings and big, beautiful golden eyes.  Our Brooke is a little shy at first but it doesn’t take her long to rub up against you to request petting and love.  Brooke enjoys attention from her people and likes to be petted.  She particularly seems to like being petted while you are holding her close!   Brooke has a purr that doesn't quit and loves to cuddle, especially if there is a warm lap involved!  Brooke is a cuddly lap cat when you want one or a soothing presence sitting beside you while you read a good book, watch a favorite movie, or catch up with a loved one over the phone.

Brooke loves to play with swizzle wands, feather wands, and a string wand toy that has a red ball attached to the end of it!  She’s also a fan of toy mice and little stuffed pillows/toys that she can bat around the room.  Hmm…now that I think about it, Brooke enjoys playing with just about any type of toy!  After playtime, if her person is not available for snuggling, Brooke enjoys getting cozy in a covered bed or hanging out on top of her favorite cat condo where she can observe everything going on around her.

Brooke is fine with other friendly kitties, enjoying them as both playmates and companions.  This precious girl may be small in stature, but she has a big purrsonality and a big heart!  She will make a great addition to any family lucky enough to adopt her.