
Sex: female

Breed: Siamese mix

Estimated Age: 3 years

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Profile Details

Litter Box Manners:
Fastidious litter box user

Grooming Requirements:
I need at least weekly brushing

Sociability with Cats:
Good with cats or at least indifferent to them

General Personality:
Outgoing, highly social and interactive with all

General Comments

Roxy is a furry, purry bundle of love with one spot of gray fur on the top of her head!  Nothing makes this sweet girl happier than being with her people.  She loves being brushed, being petted, and having her gray spot scratched.  She loves to snuggle in your arms or in your lap for long stretches of time. In fact, it would be interesting to see just how long she'd be content to stay put in your arms or lap.  So far, Roxy has proven to have staying power as it has been the volunteer who has had to, albeit reluctantly, end the cuddle fest.

When Roxy is on break from cuddling and purring she enjoys all sorts of wand toys, including both the feather and fabric varieties.  Roxy is also a fan of all types of balls.  She is fascinated by bouncy balls that erratically bounce all over the place.  Roxy takes great joy in high speed pursuits of all types of balls and in fact runs so fast that she skids out when she’s running on tile!  One of her favorite types of balls is soft, sparkle balls.  She loves carrying them around in her mouth, batting at them, and ultimately bunny kicking them into submission.  Roxy also enjoys lying in wait in the cat tunnel toy and pouncing on toys that you throw into it or on top of it.  If you run out of energy before Roxy does, no worries, Roxy will entertain herself by tossing toys into the air and chasing after them!

Roxy enjoys the company of other friendly kitties, whether it involves lounging around with them or seeing who is the fastest to capture a runaway ball (my money is on Roxy!).  She certainly doesn’t mind the presence of friendly people and is hoping to have one or more to call her own soon – don’t make this sweet gal wait too long!

RESCUE History



Medical History

Spay/Neuter Date: 07/26/2013 3-in-1 Date: 02/10/2016
Maricopa County A Number: Rabies 9-6-13 Avid:
Declawed: No