Kaleb and Kyra
It's been a while so I wanted to keep in touch with you and let you know how the kids are doing and, of course, share some pictures.
They are doing great. � We had a nice Christmas and Kaleb & Kyra were right in the middle of things while opening presents. � We couldn't be happier with them. � They love one another so much. � Getting Kyra was the best thing we could've ever done for Kaleb...although he probably regrets it during times when he just wants peace and quiet and she keeps instigating and wanting to play :) � She is a non-stop dog and always wants to go, go, go. � I try to get pictures of them outside playing in the yard but I'm not quick enough and when I do get some, they're a blur since they're just zooming past me chasing each other. � But, thankfully, she is so in tune with our daily routine that she knows when it's bedtime and she just goes straight to her bed in our room and she's down for the night. � And then, first thing, at 5:30 in the morning when I get up, �she jumps right up, grabs her squeeky toy and starts all over again! � Kaleb always retires early (while we're still up watching tv) and heads to my office to sleep on the futon. � That's where he stakes claim for the night. � They are both such beautiful animals and I couldn't imagine not having them. � We are planning a road trip in May to TN to visit my Dad and the kids are coming along with us. � It will be quite the adventure, I'm sure. � We're gonna make sure to get them on Frontline or Advantix for flea & tick control before we go out there so that they are safe while we're there. � I hear that dogs can get car sick as well, just like people. � Since we've never taken Kyra on an extended car trip before, we plan to test her out ahead of time to make sure she does ok for hours at a time in the car. � We have already taken Kaleb on a trip (prior to Kyra's adoption) so we know he'll do ok. � That would make a miserable trip for us all if she got carsick.
Well, that's all for now. � Enjoy the pictures and hope to hear back from you. � Hope you and your kids are well.