McKinnon and Lynden
Here is an update on the toothless and tailess wonders, McKinnon and Lynden
McKinnon still thinks she runs the place, however, Lynden has realized that her toothless attacks are pretty weak, and so what Mckinnon starts he quickly finishes. I have set up hiding spots throughout the apartment for her. usually at about 11pm I hear some hissing and yowling, followed by a quick dash into the shelter of a cardboard box.
Over Thanksgiving I had some friends stay with me. My friend John is 6' 5" and the normally sociable McKinnon was actually intimidated. She watched him for about three days from under the computer desk, until she realized he wasn't a threat. However, she still wanted backup, so for the first time ever, the cats sat together on the cat tower.
Lynden had his own way of protesting, it involved peeing on the air mattress I was sleeping on, so that was nice.
In January I had a friend move in with me for a month. He was closer to Mckinnon's height, so she instantly fell for him. As much as she shadows me, she was even more attached to Andy. As soon as he sat down she would get on his lap and curl up. Lynden again decided peeing was the best welcome, but we had a good discussion, and he won't be doing that again (I think it was due to the litter boxes being moved out of the spare bedroom).
Lately, Lynden has been much more affectionate, he even puts his paw on me as Mckinnon does when he wants attention. I think he is the most docile cat I have ever seen. I still have not seen/heard him hiss or growl, and the only time he bit me was during a haircut in which I clipped him. He even has been showing me some good exercises for my abs
Likewise, Lynden has been teaching McKinnon about the wonder that is drinking out of the bath tap. She actually has picked it up fairly quickly. Lynden has seen the effectiveness of the tongue sticking out. i think the picture sums up the two of them pretty well (especially McKinnon staring off blankly into space)
All in all, they are fabulous. The best of us have the occasional peeing in the corner issues, so I can't stay mad at him