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Apollo's Story

The Injury

Apollo and one of his littermates were adopted from RESCUE as puppies in 1996. They were returned in 2002, at which time we were dismayed to learn that since puppy hood, when the adopters had difficulties with house training, the two dogs had been living exclusively outdoors. Sometime during that time period Apollo fractured his front leg and instead of seeking medical attention, the adopters left his injury untreated. Although the fracture healed, after several years it became clear that something had to be done, because poor Apollo was in constant pain. Instead of paying for surgery, the adopters chose to return Apollo and his littermate to RESCUE.

Facing the Hard Truth

Apollo spent his first weeks in one of our boarding facilities and after several examinations, x-rays and discussions with vets and volunteers we believed Apollo would face a lifetime of pain, regardless of the surgical options we performed.  Rather than have him face constant and unending pain, the decision was made to have him euthanized.

Saying Goodbye

At this time a R.E.S.C.U.E. volunteer stepped forward and offered to foster Apollo until his euthanasia appointment.  Knowing he had been relegated to the outdoors his entire life, this volunteer wanted nothing more than to let Apollo know during his final days that he was a loved and cherished member of a family.

Could it be True?

Once in foster care, Apollo did better than anyone had imagined.  Not only did this dog who had been relegated to the outdoors since puppy hood never once have an accident in the foster home, the pain he exhibited while in boarding seemed to drastically lessen.  There was a glimmer of hope, and R.E.S.C.U.E. capitalized on it by having Apollo make regular visits to a chiropractor where his condition continued to improve until he was strong enough to successfully undergo surgery  on his leg at Sonora Veterinary Hospital .

Apollo's Success Story, in his adopter's words

Things were looking better for this big beautiful boy. He was so happy and loving even with all he had been through. Well, it didn't take long for him to warm our hearts and become part of our family. What is one more, we asked each other?

Cosma had really taken to him.

Katie had established that she was the queen and didn't seem to mind him (even when he gave her kisses).

Spencer being Spencer was indifferent (We think deep down he enjoys having a younger big brother).

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